FES is a treatment that uses small electrical charges to target weakened or paralysed muscles, as a result of damage to the brain or spinal cord. The electrical charge can stimulate the muscle to make its usual movement. The electrical stimulation causes a tingling ‘pins and needles’ or buzzing sensation on the skin, similar to a TENS machine. It is a National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) recommended treatment.
FES Clinic for Foot Drop
We run an FES Clinic for Foot Drop, which can be a useful treatment for some patients with an upper motor neurone condition:
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Parkinson’s Disease
- Stroke
- Traumatic Bain Injury
There are contraindications to some patients accessing FES, which would be discussed at the initial assessment.
We accept both adult and paediatric referrals.
Following an initial assessment to identify that FES will be appropriate and beneficial, we purchase an FES device and provide follow up sessions to monitor it’s efficacy.
In some instances, the FES device and follow up sessions can be funded by the NHS. This would be discussed at the initial assessment, and if applicable, we will make a referral to the Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board (ICB) for funding.
FES for Upper Limb Weakness
There are instances where FES can be used to treat upper limb weakness, particularly for some patients who have suffered a stroke. Treatment and funding are discussed with patients on an individual basis at the initial assessment.
For enquiries about these services please click here:
Neurological Physiotherapy
Oak House
2 Gatley Road
Email: reception@neurologicalphysiotherapy.co.uk
Tel: 0161 491 4151
General Enquiries
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